Monday, May 18, 2009

Plebes No More 2009

Herndon Monument Climb | Video ( - The Capital)

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If you click on the above link you will see a condensed version of Herndon. This event marks the end of the plebe year. The Herndon Monument is greased with lard and the plebes climb the monument replacing plebe blue rim hat with the naval officer hat. In the video, they are throwing their white works at the monument to try to wipe off some of the grease. They were issued the white works during Plebe Summer. John said that he was at the bottom of the stack helping support the base and allowing the guys going up to climb on his shoulders.

As a mom of one of these kids this brought tears to my eyes because I know what this means. It is the end of the entire year they have spent as second class citizens. It was a hard year, and John is a tough, smart, good guy. We are looking toward a brighter future.


Fisher Family said...

Wow there was a lot of energy in that video! Congratulations to John on making it through his plebe year! It's a wonderful accomplishment.

Fisher Family said...

Thank you so much for having Alyse the past few days. She loved her time in Texas.

Melanie said...

Whoa! That looked like crazy fun.

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I am a stay at home mom but the clock is ticking. My husband and I only have one child left at home. I enjoy shopping and finding great bargains.