Saturday, April 24, 2010

Its Like Pulling Teeth

Thank goodness we are nearing the end of Joe's baby teeth.  He pulled one out today.  I almost felt like giving him LaMaze breathing lessons he was carrying on so much.  I remember when I was a kid I had no problem losing teeth.  I thought it was kind of fun.  I would get a little money.  No big deal.


Megan said...

I can recommend a good Lamaze DVD for Joe to use (I have not seen it yet, but it did get great reviews). Go go go Joseph!

Deanna said...

I wonder if Joe has crooked teeth roots because he is part Indian. I bet if he gets really good at Lamaze you can save money and you can pull his wisdom teeth too! Good luck Joe!

Fisher Family said...

I know a good dentist that could help when you are up this way!

About Me

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I am a stay at home mom but the clock is ticking. My husband and I only have one child left at home. I enjoy shopping and finding great bargains.