Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Oprah's Big Revelation

Today Oprah has come out of the closet and confessed that she has gained 40 pounds. I know she thinks she is stunning us with this big revelation but seriously, who didn't guess she had gained weight. There are some things you can't hide from the public. She has been wearing loose fitting, sweat pant-style clothes for over a year. On top of everything, this is who she is. She gains weight and loses it all of the time. No one is shocked. No one is saying,"But she said she was so done with the yo-yo diet." There seem to be a few solutions to ending the yo-yo dieting cycle but they require death at a low spot, surgical intervention, or just giving up.

Almost every woman has to diet and work hard at looking good and being healthy. Call it a yo-yo diet, call it a lifestyle change, call it whatever you want. When we cease to engage in it we end up with an out of control weight problem. There may be reasons to avoid dieting. I know I have had valid reasons. But the result is never pretty no matter how good the reason. The solution is always a major course correction.

Good luck on your big lifestyle-change this year, Oprah. And good luck when you do it again in a few years.


Fisher Family said...

I am in the same boat. I diet and lose some, then I gain it back often with a few extra pounds. Once I kept off what I had lost for a whole 2 years, but then it still came back. It would be nice if you could lose it and that was that.

Deanna said...

Perhaps Oprah could sew in a dark panel on each side of her dress so that she looks thinner...Maybe she should talk to Michelle Obama to find out where she gets her "look 10 pounds lighter clothes."

Deanna said...

Be sure to watch Oprah next week as she reveals the other 30 pounds that she has gained....(I have a hard time believing that she only gained 40 pounds)

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I am a stay at home mom but the clock is ticking. My husband and I only have one child left at home. I enjoy shopping and finding great bargains.