Friday, April 9, 2010

Salt In The Wound

Today I was in the kitchen, unloading the dishwasher and cleaning off counters.  My thoughts were just wandering...Why didn't I have the TV on?  I hate a quiet house.  It makes me feel so lonely.  Gosh, what in the heck is that?  It looks important.  I will ask Bob before I throw it way.  Why has it been so long since I cleaned off this counter.  Then the phone rang.  "Is Matt's mom or Dad there?"

Me     Where did you get my number?

Him    Well, Matt indicated he would be interested in taking
           a review class to prepare for some upcoming college
           entrance exams!

Me     That is highly doubtful.  Matt died almost 14 years ago
           shortly before his second birthday. I think you got my
           number off some old list.  Do you know how painful it
           is to get calls like this?  Do you think if you guys are going
           to use public birth records you could check them against
           public death records to prevent situations like this?

Him    Mam, I think I must have called the wrong number. 

Me     No, I don't think you did.  I want you to put an asterick by
           my name and get ahold of your supervisor and tell him or
           her about the problem.

Him     (click)

Well, they don't mind calling, but they never hang on long enough for me to express myself.  I have recieved several calls like this over the last few years.  I have also recieved letters informing me that Matthew has been chosen to go on some really expensive youth trips due to his outstanding academics and citizenship.  It is very painful.  Mercifully, my main method of dealing with Matthew's death is that I try not to think about it too much.  I can be consumed by sadness and longing.   It is kind of like the method I use while fasting.  I know I will eat something in the future, but for the moment, concentrating on food takes away from the spiritual experiences of the here and now.  I know that I will see Matthew again, but if I think on him too much I can't concentrate on issues that are important right now. So, I do pretty well for the most part, until I get a call out of the blue, like the one today.  I hate to have a quiet house because the silence reminds me that Matthew is not here.  I don't always think about it but I like to keep the TV on so that I don't think about the quiet.


Deanna said...

I miss Matthew too. I always think about him when we get all of the cousins together.
I am so sorry that you have to go through this over and over again. I wish that the telemarketers would do a little research before they call. I think you need to see if you can get his name off of the list they are using.

Megan said...

I did not know that you guys still get calls about Matthew. It is too bad that they do not check the records better.

Chris said...

We could always sue . . .

Bonnie said...

So next time some creep like this calls I will pretend like I am interested long enough to get all of their info before I start losing it so that I can sue. Good idea Chris.

Fisher Family said...

I'm sorry Bonnie, that would be very upsetting.

About Me

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I am a stay at home mom but the clock is ticking. My husband and I only have one child left at home. I enjoy shopping and finding great bargains.