Thursday, April 2, 2009

April Fool's Day Tutorial

Yesterday while I was driving Joe home from Pack meeting he asked me what was Saran wrap. I told him it was clear plastic wrap. He said that was what he thought it was. Then he went on to explain how everyone at school was talking about a great April Fool's joke of wrapping the toilets with Saran wrap. I told him this wasn't a very good idea because it ends up making a big mess which has to be cleaned up. He said, "I know. I wrapped my toilet with Saran wrap and tried it and I just had to clean up a bunch of pee. It made a big mess. I don't get why any one would fall for that."

That was when he got the tutorial. I explained that usually you do that joke on other people and not yourself, that usually the trick is helped by darkness, for example, at night when people are getting out of bed to go to the bathroom. Then I told him how gross it was and that he better never pull that trick again.

My best April Fool's day joke ever was when Megan was a junior in high school. She came home from school and I gave her the good news. I had just landed a job as a lunch lady at her high school. I was going on and on about how I could check on her and her friends everyday. We would have extra money for college for her. I could talk to her teachers. I could sneak her extra food. I could bring home leftovers and never have to cook dinner on a school night...She ended up crying. I will never forget how distraught she was, as if I was going to embarrass her and ruin her life! The reaction from the boys was just the opposite. They were pretty thrilled by the thought of me loading up their plates with extra food. They thought that my cooking skills would improve the cafeteria offerings.


Deanna said...

That's pretty smart Joe! Save that one for when you are in college--just make sure that you use the bathroom before you put the saran wrap on... remember don't tell anyone what you have done. I have always liked Joe's honest character!

Megan said...

Wow Joe. I guess since he has no other brothers at home he feels the need to torture himself!

Megan said...

I would also like to thank Joey for making my April Fools meltdown not look quite so bad.

Fisher Family said...

Good counsel for Joe! Sounds like you got Megan good that year. I told Annie I'd heard on the news that they were changing the speed limits on the freeway to 45 instead of 65 so that we could conserve more gas! She ranted on about how stupid that was and that it would take her forever to get anywhere. I got her!

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I am a stay at home mom but the clock is ticking. My husband and I only have one child left at home. I enjoy shopping and finding great bargains.