Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I Should Have Been Named Debbie

I got the word late that November is National Blog Posting month.  Two days of November have gone by without a word from me because I didn't know about it the first day and was too vexed to start yesterday.  I kind of feel like it is January 3rd and I have yet to start the promised diet.

I have a good excuse (and don't we all have an excuse for waiting until January 3rd to start the diet) for staying under the radar with my blog.  I hate to be the Debbie Downer of the blogging world.  I really like happy, uplifting blogs.  I really want myself to be a happy uplifting person, writing funny, uplifting stories, but I haven't been able to fill that role with any honesty of heart.   My mood changes from day to day, from hour to hour, and sometimes from minute to minute.  So, for the next little while, if I am to write everyday, which is my goal for the rest of the month, please don't call the state mental hospital to have me committed for schizophrenia.


Megan said...

womp, womp...I am glad you are back to blogging.

Bianca said...

me too! I have been checking up to see if you've posted. Blogging can be a good outlet? Maybe? We will be reading regardless:)

Deanna said...

I had no idea it was blog month! I better get on the ball too.
I don't know if you should have been named Debbie or not... Too many Debbies in the family would be confusing-Big Debbie, Little Debbie--what would everyone call you? Medium Debbie?

Lindsey said...

we're just glad you're back! been thinking about you!!!

Fisher Family said...

You have had a good reason for not blogging but I'm so glad you are back!

About Me

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I am a stay at home mom but the clock is ticking. My husband and I only have one child left at home. I enjoy shopping and finding great bargains.